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Video Library

Grade Level
Adolescent Literacy Topic
YA Author Theme

Disciplinary Literacy in Math

A high school mathematics teacher talks through the steps involved in solving a math problem, modeling for students the vocabulary and decision-making actions involved in developing literacy in math. This video accompanies Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey’s column, “Disciplinary Literacy as Social Justice,” in the May 2023 issue of Educational Leadership.

Real World History: Thinking Like An Historian

Thinking like an historian
This Washington, DC high school history class frames history as an argument about the past, teaching students to think like historians — in this study of America’s Great Migration.

Reciprocal Teaching in High School

Teacher Suzanne Herko describes how she teaches her Humanities students about the strategies and structures of Reciprocal Teaching. Watch students discuss literature in small groups while playing the role of discussion leader, summarizer, questioner, or predictor.