Articles in this section examine how differences among various subgroups of students — boys, girls, students of color, socioeconomic statuses — may impact learning style and achievement.
Paula Yoo talks about the importance of listening and learning from communities whose experiences are different than our own.
As a mother, author, and friend of teachers, Judy Blume knows that communicating through books with kids—and adults—can serve as an effective and loving way to breach difficult topics.
This article includes research recommendations in the areas of standardized testing, teacher quality, after-school programs, parent involvement, reading and study skills, and computer games and simulations.
This fact sheet, prepared by the Alliance for Excellent Education, looks at statistics related to the graduation rates and college readiness of African-American students, as well as the quality of the teachers and schools that serve them.
A middle school reading coach asks if it is important for African American children to read African American literature. Alfred Tatum, author of Engaging African American Males in Reading, shares his thoughts.