Other books by this author

Darwin is presented in a fresh and engaging way in the context of his marriage. Known for list-making, this unique and riveting biography begins with Darwin’s list of the pros and cons of marriage and proceeds to explore his life with Emma, the highly religious woman he married, and the evolution of his “Origins of the Species”.
Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith

This attractive book presents a brief but comprehensive look at the 35th U.S. President and the issues he confronted during his brief time in office including the Cuban missile crisis and more. Additional resources are included in this useful and attractive book.
High Hopes: A Photobiography of John F. Kennedy

This handsome addition to the series demonstrates the similarities between Christmas celebrations in different cultures and commonalities shared throughout the world. Lush photographs illuminate the straightforward text.
Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Christmas with Carols, Presents and Peace

Crisp photographs are used to illustrate this truly American holiday while revealing its origins in harvest festivals. A table of contents, index, and more are included.