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A curvy teenager floats on her back across a pool.


Age Level:
Middle Grade
Audiobook Available

Ellie is a middle school girl who is bullied every day for her weight. Whether it comes from classmates, siblings, or even her mother, Ellie is constantly bombarded with comments about her size. Luckily, her friends help keep her head up most of the time. When her best friend Viv moves away, a new friend, Catalina, fits right into her place. Ellie’s dad is also an ally; he stands up to Ellie’s mom and decides to take Ellie to a therapist. With the help of Dr. Wood, Ellie learns how to feel comfortable in her own skin.

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Middle grade student slouched against her locker with her hands in her hair and her knees pulled up.

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Bullies Be Gone!

Bullying is destructive and can take many forms. Why does someone become a bully? How do you help someone who is being bullied? Young adults can start to find the answers and build empathy through the pages of many Middle Grade and Young Adult books.